Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Need versus Want

I started my day yesterday with a list in my head. The list was long--I wanted to accomplish a lot.

However, by 11:00 am, the list had to be altered, as the first activity on the list took 3 times the amount of time I had anticipated. Welcome to Plan B.

I heard once that life is Plan B. There is a lot of truth to that statement. Perfect plans rarely play out perfectly.

So my new approach to the "perfect plan" is to build in perfect flexibility for life's little surprises.

Each day I try to focus on a realistic need and an important "want." I choose at least one thing that absolutely NEEDS to happen today, and one thing I really WANT to make happen today. It's surprising and even relieving to look at my long list and realize that some of my items truly can wait until tomorrow.

What does your list look like today? Choose one NEED and one WANT. I would venture to bet that with your fresh focus, both will have been accomplished before you go to bed tonight!

(c) 2009 Sheri Smith Bertolini

1 comment:

  1. This is great wisdom!! Especially for us from Perfect Country!
