Friday, July 22, 2011

Broken Thinking

I just returned from a weekend with all the video presenters for Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage We spent one day in training and one day playing... it was great.

Our number of presenter couples has doubled in the last two years and we reached over 20,000 people last year with the Laugh Your Way seminar.

But what impacted me most from the weekend was something Mark Gungor (the main dude of LYW, and senior pastor of Celebration Church in Green Bay), was this: All our marriage problems, relationship difficulties, and personal issues really boil down to one thing--broken thinking.

That's another way of saying we have all believed something that is twisted or wrong. We've believed lies. Somewhere along the way, through normal and traumatic experiences, we've all bought into something that isn't based in truth.

When we find ourselves behaving badly, it's because our thinking is problematic. And if we'll just stop long enough to explore the broken parts, we can actually get "fixed!" A very worthwhile endeavor, I think.

During the past 15 years, I can attribute most of my spiritual health to the Sozo ministry and the teachings of John Sheasby of Liberated Living, my financial health to Dave Ramsey, and my marriage and relational health to LYW.

Who has helped you most?

(c) 2011 Sheri Smith Bertolini

1 comment:

  1. Honestly? You and your husband have helped me more than you'll ever know. Thank you so much.
