Wednesday, July 20, 2011

GUEST POST: Terrie Ferrell

I met Terrie at the Dave Ramsey Counselor Training week which I attended back in April. She and I hit it off immediately, and she told me about her first book which she'd just published. I was struck by its theme and asked if she'd write a quick post about her subject.

My Dad and I have always been close, a daddy's girl, that's me. In my twenties, my Dad started talking to me about what he wanted done when he died. I didn't want to hear that but he looked at me and said "Terrie, this is very important for me to talk about." Well, I listened because if he said it was important, I knew it really was, even if I didn't want to hear it.

Twenty-something years later, my Dad died of a massive heart attack. My sister, Becky, and I had to take care of our dad's affairs, but how? Neither one of us had ever done anything like this before. We got to Dad's house and there in a drawer in his bedroom was the note he had always spoke of. In the note, he wrote about the instructions that would walk me and my sister through an emotional time. It was as if Dad was right there helping us once again in our life. At his death, he still was able to speak of his last wishes about being cremated, bank account numbers, special papers we would need to finalize his affairs. What a wonderful gift to give us.

My Dad inspired me in many ways but especially with a wonderful hand written note of instructions. In turn, I now have blessed our children with a similar gift. I have written a book entitled "Happy Ending," which explains the many reasons why you should write down your last wishes. In the back of the book are forms to walk you through getting your affairs in order.

We, who are breathing, will die sooner or later. I cannot control that fact, but I can control how to help my family.

For more information about purchasing this book or to contact me go to
Thanks, Terrie Ferrell

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