Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kissin' or Kickin'?

Kissin’ or Kickin’?

Try this exercise: Look around your home and begin to mentally ask each possession, “Are you kissin’ me, or kickin’ me?”

Sounds odd, no doubt, but there is validity to the question. Everything in your home is either supporting you or draining you. You are either gaining benefit or feeling the drag of dead weight from each item in your house.

If you look at you home through the filter of your values, the things that are most important to you, you can see where each belonging measures up against your own standard. Some items are very valuable, fitting you and your value system well. Others are sentimental in value and bring good memories. Yet others fall into the kickin’ category—they are just one more thing that managed to find their way into your house. You don’t know what to do with it, don’t really want it, but haven’t decided if it stays or goes.

This is the focus of today’s target: If it’s kickin’ you, kick it back—straight into a donation bin. Or into the trash. Or put it in your car right now so you can return it to its owner.

What’s kickin’ you? What’s kissin’ you? I highly recommend kissing over kickin’ any day!

© 2011 Sheri Smith Bertolini


  1. Hey Sheri,

    This is absolutely my stance and I've lived this way since 1999 and have never regretted it!!

    So freeing and empowering!

    Keep up the helpful hints -- I can send your ideas to my special people and they can hear from you when they won't listen to me - ;)

    Blessings! The "Other" Sheri

  2. Great way to look at it.

    Will you address what perspective or action to take when a family member's stuff is kicking you?? (And the family member himself is a keeper.)
